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Social science in a sentence

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Sentence count:103Posted:2017-09-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: physical sciencepolitical sciencebiomedical scienceenvironmental sciencesocial servicesciencesocial servicessocial securityMeaning: n. the branch of science that studies society and the relationships of individual within a society. 
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61, Right now, social science has also entered a field of higher level.
62, Social science of religion aims to describe and explain the religious phenomenon neutrally and accurately, that distinguishes from the interests of religions, states, and police.
63, Classical Canons and Oral Tradition, Beijing: Chinese Social Science Press, November 2002.
64, In contrast, social science majors who found permanent employment attributed their success to their own personal initiative.
65, In this article, author introduces the goals, significance and functions of Chinese Social Science Citation Index(CSSCI). And also describes its structure and flow direction of data.
66, Chinese Social Science Citation Index (CSSCI) is an important tool for the evaluation of productive force of social sciences.
67, The task of social science was to identify the forces promoting historical changes.
68, Social science must study the'state of moral health'in relation to changes in the environment.
69, The social constructionist psychology is an application of the social constructionism in psychology as a new social science study pattern.
70, According to a study published in Social Science and Medicine, fear of unemployment is much worse than actual unemployment in terms of long-term health problems.
71, Sport modernization include both natural science modernization and social science modernization.
72, Social Science Citation Index: This index lists journals in the field of social science, such as psychology and sociology.
73, Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Science ( SPSS ) 10.0 version.
74, Data were analyzed using by Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 15.0.
75, The data source comes from CLC, Classification for CAS Library, Dewey Decimal Classification(DDC), Educational Thesaurus, Social Science Retrieval Thesaurus etc.
76, College Member, Professor Helene Fung from Department of Psychology, won the Exemplary Teaching Award of Faculty of Social Science 2007.
77, The findings, announced today, are detailed in the journal Social Science Quarterly.
78, Infinite spreadsheet has demonstrated that a deterministic system can be build to help us in achieving rational behavior to stabilize the economy,[] which is the first step in social science.
79, Hence, from the perspective of social science, the participatory concept advances the process of democracy.
80, The data were keyed into the computer and SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) Version 12.0 was used to conduct statistic analysis.
81, If you're married to a yeller, don't yell right back, advises William Doherty, a marriage and family therapist and professor in the Family Social Science Department at the University of Minnesota.
82, The results were analyzed by statistical package for the social science 8.0 ( SPSS 8.0 ) .
83, Social science is an architectonic system for people to know the essence and law of social movement.
84, Subject_Topical_Eng: Foundation Medicine; Therapeute; Anaesthesiology ; Image Medicine; General Medicine; Pharmacy; Paramedic; Social Science.
85, I spent a few days sampling the literature of social science.
86, American social science found itself suddenly without an overarching theory and began its subsequent slide into its current methodological Balkanization.
87, Dr William Mong Man Wai , Doctor of Social Science , honoris causa.
88, The social science middle-ground, lately known as sociobiology, claims that we learn at least some specific cultural behaviors on the basis of biological need and evolution.
89, The data were analyzed by means of Statistical Package for the Social Science Version 12.0.
90, It is a must - read for philosophers of social science and philosophically inclined social scientists.
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